Sarah & Steph

Here is a page to let you know a little more about ourselves.... 

We are both 24 year old graduates from University of Connecticut and became biffs through our sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma (we're big and little sisters and it's weird)

Ever since college we have LOVEDDDDD weddings

(this picture took place at one of our college parties courtesy of Halloween 2010)

...and the love has not dwindled since we've graduated 

(here we are Halloween 2012 dressed as zombie bridesmaids, see we've gotten creative)

Once we discovered pinterest we finally decided hey, we have great taste in weddings and who cares that were not married, or engaged (or even close to being engaged really) lets share our wealth of wedding knowledge with the world!

And that is how Wedded Bliss was born, with a simple pinterest page that now has grown to 10,897 pins (yeah that's just how obsessed we are)  and 2,012 followers 

Our blog is our newest addition and something that we hope will allow us to be more personable and interactive with our followers (plus, we're going to be blogging about our other favorite topics as well which are of course clothes, DIY, home decor, and food)  

Come on, let's get inspirational!!!

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