Thursday, September 19, 2013

What Do I Wear????

So I'm going to a wedding this weekend. YAY! Love weddings.  But I'm still unsure about what to wear.  Its "on the more casual side".  Which ultimately makes it all the more confusing.  The major dilemma, I don't want to be over-dressed but I definitely don't want to be under-dressed.  Therefore,  my dilemma has inspired a post; a post all about what one should wear to a wedding (for weddings of all types of course) Here we go!

White Tie Wedding

Ladies...this is what a white tie wedding means.  This guy looks good.  You gotta look even better.  I couldn't even find a lady pic for this one.  Basically, just wear the NICEST dress you own (or can afford to buy).

Black Tie Wedding


Black is a safe bet with this one.  Of course, men must wear a tux.  Women are encouraged to wear long dresses, and if you must go short pleaseeeeee stick to dark shades and luxurious fabric. 

Black Tie Optional

Now you have options.  If you want to wear that tux, you can!  But if your more comfortable in a suit, that works too!  And for dresses, I would say that most women close to the bride and groom (family and wedding party) dress in Black Tie attire (i.e. long dresses, dark colors) but most guests will stick to cocktail dresses.

Casual Weddings

Casual is often where it gets confusing.  For this use your best judgement (kind of like what I'm doing for my wedding).  You definitely don't want to be under dressed.  The maxi dress above is light and airy but the length keeps it from being too casual.  And guys, just wear that sports jacket in case.  You can always take it off if it gets uncomfortable.

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